
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planing and evaluaion stages?

When producing the film poster, magazine cover and trailer their were various technologies we used to prodce products to the best of our ability. We particuarly needed different technologies when producing the construction, research, planning and evaluations stages of our project.

When doing the construction part of our project, we needed technology the most. We needed to construct a film poster, magazine cover and film trailer. When editing our film we used the program 'Power Director 9', for our AS we used Pinnacle studio 12 and I feel that using Power director proved to be more successful than using pinnacle. When editing the film we had to cut the clips, add in transitions and use music as an overlay of the trailer. I feel we did this very well and the final product proves to be a good trailer for the romance genre.
For the magazine cover and film poster we used Photoshop. Within photoshop you can add different layers of pictures which makes the poster and cover look to a near proffessional standard. Also within photoshop we cropped, resized and erased images.

When completiting the research part of my project, youtube proved to be a big help. As my research was mainly based around case studies of different films, youtube was the website in which i watched all of the trailers which i studied. Google  and google images also proved to be a big help when researching different film posters and magazine covers. Overall when completiting the research part of my project, I believe that it would not have been as successful without the use of the internet.

The planning part of my project didn't rely on the internet as much as the other sections did. It relied on the use of programs such as microsoft word. Also the use of a scanning machine proved useful as when I screen printed my documents such as shot logs and scripts, the images came up blury when put on my blog.
The use of mobile phones and social networking websites such as facebook helped with the organisation of my project as i could get in contact with my actors and my partner within this project.

When wanting audience feedback we used websites such as youtube to upload our different edits of our product to gain other peoples opinions.  The use of the internet within our evaluation proved vital as we wouldnt have recieved feedback.

The use of blogger throughout this project has proved a huge success as my blog contributes to my whole coursework.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The target audience for our trailer was females so when wanting audience feedback this is who we would ask. We made 3 edits each having different changes made to them. After each edit we gained audience feedback to ensure that the changes we made were right. We asked a group of close friends what they thought of the trailer. This group involved girls and a boy. We involved a boy within this group as we wanted to see whether this trailer would also appeal to males.

The first version of our trailer seemed to be 'mixed' up and didnt run as smoothly as hollywood film would do. The titles of universal pictures were first put in the middle of our trailer when really they need to be put at the start to promote the maker of the film. We also changed the sound within our film as we didnt have a soundtrack that ran parralell with the action within the trailer. So we looked back at our research to look at the music which other romance trailers used.

The second version which we produced contained the aforesaid changes but still didnt seem to run as a real romance trailer. We were advised to change the colours of our titles as they portrayed the image of horror rather than romance. So in this instance we changed the colours from red and black to grey and pink. We changed to these colours because after asking various people within our target audience, pink and grey proved to be the most popular colours for a romance trailer.

The third version proved to be the most successful when asking our audience what they thought. With the edits that we have made, I feel that the third version has the changes made to it that makes the trailer look more proffessional for a romance trailer. After asking our target audience what their opinion was, the changes we made were what they requested.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I feel that the way we have produced all of our media products mean that they work will together and compliment each other. Even though each of the products work well on their own, when put together I feel that the franchise of our film is complete.

Throughout the ancillary tasks and the trailer I have tried to use colours which run along the same theme. As our genre was romance the colours we used needed to be subtle and soft. At first we used red and black for the titles within the trailer but after some feedback, we found that it was best to change the colours as red and black portrayed the theme of horror more than romance. We can see this in the Sex and the City Poster. The producer of that poster uses black and pink sparkly writing to show the element of romance and girlyness to the film.
When producing the poster and cover we knew that we wanted to hook the audience in. With our magazine cover we felt that it would appeal most to the 'pick n mix' reader. This is when a reader looks at a magazine cover or flicks through the magazine and particuarly looks for a certain story. After doing our research, i feel that this helped us greatly as the results we gathered from our questionnaire shows that a sense of cliff hanger proved to be a popular favourite when looking at posters, covers and watching trailers.  The sense of cliff hanger within our trailer is when the audience don't know which male the main female will choose to love. Within the poster the sign with an arrow saying 'happy' asks the question as to whether if the main female follows that road then will she be happy? The magazine cover states the words 'an exclusive interview with Charlotte Savage'. So fans of Charlotte will want to read the article and they will want to buy it as the words 'exclusive' will draw the audience in. We can see that the producer of the magazine cover for 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' has aimed their cover at a 'pick n mix' read and used words such as 'ultimate'.

In What way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When choosing our location for our media product, the research I carried out proved to be very effective. From studying 'The Notebook' locations such as the beach and canals seemed to prove effective when complying with the conventions of a romance film. We chose various locations including; Birmingham canals, Barry beach, a park and Birmingham city centre. The locations which we chose were very real everyday locations but I feel that they still added to the element of Romance.
The costumes which we chose were very casual but bright clothing. I feel that this made the trailer more realistic and as it seemed more real, the audience may feel that they can relate to our trailer easily. When looking at other romance films, sometimes the costumes they use are more formal than what we have used. We can see this in 'A cinderella story'. This picture shows the character of 'Sam' looking very dressed up and formal but this however runs alongside the title of the film 'A Cinderella Story'.

There isn't a lot of speech contained within our trailer but the speech that is included adds to the element of romance and we can tell throughout the trailer that the genre is romance. I dont think that the genre of romance is very prominent in the film poster and magazine cover but this can also be seen in my case study of 'Sex and they City' where the poster and magazine cover do not show any element of romance at all.

The music which we incorporated within our trailer runs paralell to the goings on within the trailer. The music is very subtle and soft and this also compliments the colours of the titles. We retrieved our music from youtube. I made sure that the music was uncopyrighted so it was safe and legal to use. The music matches the pace of the trailer and as it has no lyrics the voice over which we have added means that the lyrics arent needed. The voicerover which the trailer contains is the voice of the main protagonist, Charlotte. She reads out a letter which she wrote to the 1st main boy Adam to tell him that she is leaving. The voice over, I feel, adds to the sense of romance as we can hear the emotion in the characters voice when the voice over starts. the words 'I'm Sorry' near to the end of the trailers adds more suspense as to what will happen in the actual film.
We can also see parralell music in the trailer for 'The Notebook'. The voice over within this trailer is spoken by the main male within the film. He is telling the story to his wife who has alzheimers. Clicking the link will take you to the trailer to this film 'The Notebook' Trailer